Retirement income

Gary George

Editor at Senior Confidential, father of 3, married to my high school sweetheart, living my dream life in Dripping Springs, TX
Sep 21  ·  5 min read
The 3 Biggest Mistakes Seniors Make With Their Online Business
Avoid these at all cost
In the modern age, the internet has created a lot of opportunities for people to succeed.

Gone are the days where you needed a physical location, lease, stock, overhead, signage, and other things to start a successful business.

Today, with just a $12 domain name and a free website template, you can come up with a business idea and have it up and running in less than an hour.

However, just because it is easy to set up an online business doesn’t necessarily mean it is easy to succeed with it.

It is quite often a daunting task for online entrepreneurs to find success especially if you are a senior who may not be up to speed with current online business trends.

The following are the 3 biggest online business mistakes you need to avoid in order to be successful.
1. Ignoring Customer Service
Customer service is the most important part of any business.

In order to stay successful, you must keep all your customers happy and be ready to respond to them when needed.

Sadly, a lot of seniors who own online businesses have a habit of neglecting this particular department.

Many of them fail to provide a way for customers to reach out to them when they have an issue.

Others may not be active enough to respond to all their customers’ issues.

While this may seem like a small thing, it is often the Achilles heel for many online businesses.

Always respond to customers on time and keep an eye on websites like Yelp to see how customers feel about your product or service.

Customers are more likely to come back if they feel valued.
2. Not Solving a Problem
From jewelry designers to accountants, all businesses exist because there is a problem that needs solving.

The same applies to online businesses.

You can’t have a successful online business if you are not clear on the problem you’re trying to solve.

A lot of people will start an online business just because they saw it listed as one of the current best ideas even know they may not be familiar with the problem being solved.

So that you may fully understand what you are offering as a product or service, you must fully understand the problem that would make people want your product or service in the first place.
3. Not Defining Your Audience
You need to have a clearly defined target audience.

There is an old saying that goes; if you are marketing to everyone, you are selling to no one.

While it is true that your product or service may be useful to anyone, you need to think about who the product is best for, who you love to serve, and most importantly, who is likely to buy.

By understanding your target market, you will be able to communicate better with them and give them whatever they need.

A lot of people think that they limit themselves by defining their audience.

However, by making your target audience more specific, you become more appealing and are able to serve them better.
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